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What Is Remedial Massage?

Remedial massage, also known as medical massage, is a treatment for any ache, chronic pain, knots or discomfort originating from your muscles or soft tissues. It is used to identify and repair damaged areas of the body and accelerate the body’s natural healing process.

Often referred to as remedial massage physiotherapy, this massage is used in combination with other medical treatments to restore the body’s normal function following an injury or an illness. Therefore, remedial massage is performed by highly trained remedial massage therapists who use various techniques to assess your current condition and develop a comprehensive, individualised treatment plan. 

Depending on your specific needs, your therapist might use different remedial massage techniques that aim to treat both the cause and symptoms of your pain:

  • Remedial deep tissue massage - a firm pressure massage targeting the deeper layers of the muscles  
  • Joint mobilisation - manual therapy that takes joints through a precise range of motion to improve mobility
  • Stretch therapy - stretching different areas of your body to help improve flexibility
  • Myofascial release - similar to stretch therapy, its goal is to relieve pain in your myofascial tissue
  • Trigger Point Therapy - focused on releasing muscle knots
  • Cryotherapy - massage therapy using low temperatures to decrease inflammation
  • Thermotherapy - massage therapy using high temperatures to improve blood flow and soothe muscles

What Is The Difference Between Massage And Remedial Massage?

Although there is no denying that virtually every type of massage can help ease pain and alleviate some injuries, there is a significant difference between relaxation massage and remedial massage. 

The main goal of a regular relaxation massage is to help you de-stress. It is designed to calm the body and mind and improve physical, mental and emotional health.

However, if you have an injury or muscle, bone and tendon issues, a regular massage is best avoided as it can do more harm than good. Traditional massage therapists generally do not have the medical knowledge required to treat injuries. Remedial massage therapists do. 

A remedial massage is a therapeutic, medical massage specifically designed as part of a rehabilitation program. Unlike a relaxing full-body massage, it focuses on specific problem areas of your body that need treatment.  


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What Are The Health Benefits Of Remedial Massage?

Remedial massage physio offers a wide range of health benefits, including: 

  • Improved blood circulation - deep tissue remedial massage allows blood flow to bring more nutrients to the affected area of your body and thus accelerate recovery.
  • Pain relief  - remedial massage relieves pain in those with acute injuries or chronic pain conditions.
  • Improved joint mobility - joint mobilisation, stretch therapy and myofascial release therapy can improve significantly your joint range of motion.
  • Tense muscles release - trigger point therapy, as well as stretching techniques, can help elongate and release muscles that are abnormally tense and tight.
  • Health Conditions Treatment - some of the most common health problems treated with remedial massage include muscle cramps, whiplash, frozen shoulder, arthritis, muscle atrophy, multiple sclerosis and many more. Additionally, remedial massage therapy can help people suffering from insomnia, anxiety and depression.

These are just some of the benefits of remedial massage. However, you need to be aware that it is usually not enough to have just a single session. Since remedial massage is often part of rehabilitation treatment, you will notice most of the benefits only after several massage sessions.

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Who Is Remedial Massage For?

Holistic remedial massage is intended to “remedy” the body and is most commonly used to treat people with: 

  • Neck, back and shoulder pain
  • Chronic pain 
  • Sports or other injuries
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety or Depression
  • Treating side effects in patients with diabetes or cancer
  • Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis or Muscular Atrophy

Since remedial massage is a type of medical massage that aims to alleviate symptoms of injuries and diseases and assist in pain management, it is suitable for all patients requiring physiotherapy and professional care. 

However, before you schedule your appointment at a remedial massage clinic, it is critical to consult your doctor, especially if you have underlying health issues or severe injuries such as broken bones. The massage could still be beneficial, but it needs to be customised to your unique condition.

Are Remedial Massages Painful?

Whether you have a remedial massage for back pain, muscle stiffness, sports injury or anything in between, you should not experience pain during your session. Although you may experience some discomfort during or slight soreness after, an effective remedial massage treatment should never be unbearably painful. 

If your massage is painful, let your therapist know so they can design a different course of treatment. 

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How Often Should You Get A Remedial Massage?

How often you should get a remedial massage depends entirely on your unique condition and your body’s natural healing process. 

It is rare for patients to have just a single session. More commonly, they will have a more comprehensive weekly treatment program that can last several months. Some therapists will break down the required sessions into several consecutive treatments with a few weeks’ break in between. 

It is best to discuss your preferred treatment plan directly with your remedial massage therapist and your primary doctor. 

Find The Best Remedial Massage Near Me

Remedial massage therapists must undergo years of rigorous training, have extensive knowledge of anatomy and physiology and receive the proper accreditation. Therefore, you should only schedule your remedial massage with licensed therapists with the necessary qualifications. 

Choose your city below to find remedial massage nearby and eliminate pain and discomfort from your life!
